06 March 2006

nothing to do with christmas...

since crista asked, here's the design. perhaps not the most masculine tattoo of all time, but it's got meaning and i did say i like botanical illustration. and no red, christmas-y ribbon to add the cheese factor. it'll be pretty well hidden, too, as it will go on one of my shoulders - and i'm not the type who takes his shirt off in public often...

in any event, i'll bet it's the first mistletoe the tattoo artist has done. at least i'm original - in a borrowed-artwork kind of way...


Coco said...

cool, very cool. masculine shmasculine..I have a friend with a sparrow tatoo'd on his shoulder, he's one of the most manly men I know...

chris said...

thanks, crista. i'm not too concerned with expressing masculinity through a tattoo :)