04 June 2007

making living more comfortable...

a few weeks ago, i complained that my house felt like less than a home - due, of all things, to paint color (and if you knew your way around the left hemisphere of my brain, you'd understand). so, due the careful planning of carrie, who managed to coax my family into helping me here while she introduced trijack to altitude, i managed to get two rooms painted two weekends ago. which significantly altered my mental state in this place. however, there still existed what was certainly the bane of my sanity here - ian's room...

(apologies to the celebrity blogger crew who has heard this story in great complaintant detail (and who i'm very lucky to have shared dinner with on sunday night.))

the chore for this past weekend was to paint ian's room. a chore i was dreading to no end, because it required a number of painting stages, of which i enjoy exactly zero. you see, the paint job we moved into in his room was worst combination paint nightmares one could imagine (okay - perhaps an exaggeration, but the point remains). a bright orange color, mottled and incredibly splotchy - covering every surface except for the floor. which meant priming everything - priming which nearly made me pass out in the small room with little air circulation. followed by two coats of paint on all the wall surface. followed by the taping of the freshly painted walls to prep for the trim painting. followed by two - and sometimes three coats of white paint on the trim and doors.

all told, the painting required the bulk of the weekend. but it's complete - and the only recovery i needed was the look on ian's face and the joy in his giggle when saw his new blue room. a room that no longer looks like a scary place to walk in to. and a room that makes this house feel more like a home...

on a different note, if you haven't had the pleasure of meeting and spending some time with them, this post and this post tell you all you need to know about the kind of genuine people bolder and curly su are. i consider myself lucky to have had the opportunity to get to know each of them.


DV said...

yeah for ian and his new room!

Anonymous said...

i'm glad you got the room finished, and dinner was awesome!

Bolder said...

all my rooms are white.

too bad i don't have your family.

great restaurant choice -- glad i left those details to the experts!