an entourage of one...
the thing about living in colorado, we've got some tri-blogger celebrities 'round here. and because i happen to be related to one of them, i occassionally have the pleasure of mingling with some of those celebrities. like say, for instance, bolder. it's almost enough to make one part of the entourage...
carrie and bolder came to town and decided to meet at my house, since i conveniently live a couple doors from city park and a nice, shady, 5k+ loop. we managed two loops, with was huge for me. still recovering from the onset of allergy season, i'd been mostly unsuccessful on my solitary runs this week - barely able to make it through 3 miles on friday. but tonite, with the company and conversation and pace of our favorite bloggers, i felt strong throughout the 10k. and that bodes well, considering we've all got this little race next weekend. i think i'm learning that running is much more enjoyable when i've got someone to run with. just need to get out and recruit...
great seeing you again Chris! and, yah, that was a great run, and yah, why are my shorts hiked up, and yah, why are my legs less gleamy than a certain person who shall remain nameless???
did they color coordinate their outfits in order to run together? :-)
i don't know why i didn't recognize that while we were running, momo, but it appears they did. except for bolder's bronzed legs, that is...
ahhh, maybe that's why Chris was trying to run ahead. He missed the red AND easy memo.
Them some SERIOUS celebs you get to hang out with! Very cool!
You need to meet my girl TriShannon. She's in Denver and she rocks the house. Next time I swing out there maybe we can all go for a ride!
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