changes and a request...
some minor tweaks to the site today. an upgrade to blogger layouts, which makes surfing through my paltry archives more efficient. the use of one of the google reader widgets (the use of which i attribute to curlysu's technical savvy) that allows me to easily point to some interesting reads without actually cutting and pasting a link to a real post (hence allowing me to be even more lazy) - see "noteworthy posts" over there on the sidebar. a font change. heck, i even added a link for the first time in a while - i am perhaps the last bloggist (i don't feel worthy of decribing myself as a blogger) not using bloglines. yet some things remain the same. the same perhaps-confusing header image and tag line (just a product of my enigmatic mind - not a reference to any song or movie as some may have thought). the same stark-white background. and the same sense of not-very-witty self-deprecation...
on a very different note, i'm after some help from the tri community out there. it seems my event schedule doesn't look beyond june 17th of this year - although i'm still contemplating a repeat performance of the boulder backroads half-marathon this fall. i'm thinking of perhaps maybe considering another out-of-state race - preferrably late-summer to fall, olympic-tri or half-marathon, and vacation-like north american destination - but being a relative newcomer, i'm not particularly familiar with the relative merits of the many events out there. so, if any of you out there in blogland have any suggestions - i'm game.
The midwest is a mini multsport mecca. We have a great series of events. But all the good races are full here, so I don't recommend it. Maybe look for something in canada where it's cool and dry in late summer instead of hot and miserable.
And fwiw, I stopped using bloglines and now use google reader.
take a look at nick's site - it should get you pointed in a good direction for the tri's...
if you want to push it to late fall, early winter, i think i'm going to do the 26.2 west palm beach (? marathon of the palm beaches i think?) in early december. completely flat and low to mid 60's... google it and see what you think...
I really like the title and tagline...always knew it wasn't a song, by the way! it smacks of creativity... :)
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