hold your kids tight...
tomorrow, a 15 month old is laid to rest.
a good friend of mine lost her daughter on friday morning. two little girls lost a baby sister, and a father lost his love. there was no warning. during the course of the night, the toddler went from playing with her sister to a horrible, inexplicable fate...
it's impossible to find the words to describe the sorrow that i feel for this family. the worst fear a parent could realize. i can't begin to guess how many times i've crept into ian's room late at night, leaning in close - anxious for the sound of a breath. the instinct of protection is inate, and there's no greater fear in my heart than the inability to protect my son. knowing that my friends are experiencing that most basic fear breaks my heart, and leaves me helpless to console.
i know tomorrow's funeral is going to be incredibly difficult to bear. seeing parents say goodbye to their little girl, not being able to fathom the sense of grief and loss that they are experiencing. and realizing that - no matter how protective we may try to be as parents and no matter how intensely (or intently) we love them - we can't control everything... their fate at times belongs to something even larger than we are.
oh, chris, this breaks my heart, truly. i cannot imagine the sorrow they must be feeling, there are really no right words. please just know that i am thinking of them and of you at this time and wishing you find comfort in eachother and in the knowledge that for a brief period, an angel was among you.
hold your little one tight, i know i will hold mine extra close tonight.
Your post had me in tears and by the time I read momo's comment they were flowing.
I can NOT imagine what they are going through or how you are touched by this...but I've often wondered how I would even be able to bear a pain such as losing a child. I don't think I could and so I wish courage to you and the family while you go on. Children truly are our angels and sometimes bestowed upon us only for a short while.
I too, feel like going home and holding Cael even tighter.
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