22 May 2006

exploring his way toward three...

i've always loved this time of year - the change of seasons from winter to summer, the extended evening daylight, the emergence of the plants from their long dormancy. but this year, the joy of the spring evening is greater. greater because of the discovery of a nearly three-year-old mind...

ian's curiosity is at a peak these days, seemingly on the same schedule as the warming of the weather and the greening of the landscape. his tricycle, which got little to no use last year, is a machine for exploring the neighborhood. his eyes scour the ground for insects, the air for flying creatures both manmade and organic. give him a ball - any ball - and the world all around is his playground...

friday evening was as perfect a time as i've had as a father. ian discovered his first grasshopper and first roly-poly in the same evening. his joy and interest and wonder were absolutely contagious. i caught myself looking toward every new experience he'll have this summer and wanting to make sure i'm there to share it all...

1 comment:

Carrie said...

So cute. There were rolly-pollies galore at our apt in CA and d terrorized them every evening.