the runner in me...
i've not said much lately about the training - or, rather, the running as the case is. not because i haven't been pleased with my runs. and not because i haven't enjoyed my runs. i just can't talk about running all that much...
for a guy who had run all maybe 50 miles in the eleven years since i got out of college, it's been a good several months for me. i'll hit 40+ miles in april alone - and while i know that's not a lot for many runners out there, it's a big number for a person who never has cared for running. i've discovered that i can consistently run 8 minute miles outside (without the benefit of a treadmill to pace me), that i seem to have contained the knee problems - at least for the time being, and that i can run miles without getting horribly winded...
and the best part - once a week, i have a running partner. i'm a work-out-alone type of guy, typically. but i look forward to my weekly runs with greenfish. someone to talk to. someone to push and to push me. someone to share the happiness of finishing a run...
i'm getting used to this running thing. and it's getting used to me. now, if only i could coax myself back into the pool...
1 comment:
the runner in you seems to bring out the runner in me
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