21 October 2006

i have failed you, oh internet...

so i haven't posted in a while again. i also haven't set goals and have been making it to the gym in embarassing infrequency. but i do have excuses. which means i have excuses, and no real reasons. ah... what's a guy to do?

excuse no. 1: i'm selling my house. and buying another. seems my "special taxing district" means 3x the surrounding metropolitan property tax. yeah - that's pretty special. and although i've been in the house for nearly 2.5 years, the city just levied that tax. and i have the pleasure of paying back taxes for a year. and - ouch - a tax increase plus back taxes equals unaffordable.

at the same time, though, it allows me to start again on my own. to erase the unfortunate memories that reside in this house. to pay k off and eliminate my debt to her (that isn't due for another 16 months - but early is good, right?), to find a place that is me and mine. there are a hundred stressful things to consider along the way, but it'll be a good thing in the end...

excuse no. 2: i've been lazy. after the race for the cure in denver a couple weeks ago, i've got nothing lined up on the horizon to train for. it's getting cold, nighttime occurs an hour earlier, and i just haven't felt like getting to the gym on weeknights. because i'm a bum...

and that's me lately. a lazy, house-selling, non-posting bum. i will get better - but i will make no more promises to you, internet. i've raised expectations enough already and failed you miserably. i just hope i don't disappear altogether...